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Public health director, neighbor help save Norwood man’s life with CPR
The family of a Norwood man who collapsed in cardiac arrest last month is thanking the neighbor and public health official who helped save his life with CPR.
Ed Murray was mowing his lawn when he suffered the medical emergency on April 23, while his wife was out of state.
Thankfully, his neighbor, Steve Condon, witnessed the incident from his own backyard across the street and ran to Murray’s aid.
“Ed was up here mowing his lawn, and he was going up doing his last strip of lawn, and he just went over backwards, hit his head on the sidewalk,” Condon said. “I came back over, and the first thing I did was try to wake him up, but I was unsuccessful.”
Condon called for his wife to call 911 and started CPR, recalling training he had learned decades earlier.
As Condon worked on Murray, Stacey Lane, a nurse and Norwood’s Public Health Director, happened to be driving by. Condon’s wife flagged her down, and Lane pulled over and took over.
“I did an assessment, checked – no pulse, not breathing – and started CPR,” Lane said, adding that Murray still was not responsive. “I was very concerned.”
Paramedics quickly arrived, and despite Lane and Condon’s fears, Murray regained a pulse, thanks in part to their early CPR.